Tuesday, 8 November 2011

New shot idea: graveyard visitation

Very recently the idea of additional locations in my video have arisen, most notably a graveyard.  The shots will be taken in the gloomy autumnal weather during the day. The location of the graveyard plays upon themes such as mortality, loss and longing, as well as adding a secondary reason for the protagonist's melancholy state. The Elm Hill shots in turn can be interpreted as some kind of spirit world.


  1. I look forward to seeing the stills, try to experiment with a variety of shots, particularly low angle and tilt which add intensity and a looming sense of menace!!!!

  2. Jack it would be useful if you could identify aspects of mise-en-scene within your music video and explain how they would encourage your potential fan base/target audience to identify with your artist. Remember audiences view films intertextually thus your production may appeal to a niche audience who are preoccupied with viewing or consuming specific media productions or aspects of popular culture such as......
